Posted by Greg Mullins

Facebook in my opinion is the biggest self centered, narcissistic waste of time and huge pooling of ignorance. However, with that being my reason for not using Facebook I do see one benefit of communicating information widely and rapidly. As a pastor many parishioners may want to know my position on wearing masks or may think they know where I stand on the issue. Perhaps they don’t give a rodents backside either way.
Many years ago I was asked to speak at the Tennessee state capital building in Nashville on the subject of motorcyclist wearing helmets. An organization called “ABATE” which desires to over turn mandatory state helmet laws asked me to speak in defense of their position. My opening statement was; “Thank God for motorcycle helmets!” I could see numerous people cringe. I then said let me explain; “Many years ago a very disturbed individual aimed a shotgun and fired at my back while I was on my bike. Had it not been for my helmet my head would have taken the blast.” For that reason was I glad to have had a helmet but it should be my decision whether I desire to wear one or not. Power hungry politicians think we the American citizen are too stupid to make rational decisions. They believe they know what’s best for all and enjoy the power and control.
It should not be a law or mandatory to wear a mask. It should also be my decision to wear a mask if i so desire without being told I’m unpatriotic or sheep. My personal opinion is that its foolish “NOT” to wear one but that’s your call. It’s absolutely amazing the ignorance, stupidity and intellectually stunted thinking of those who get their information from the internet without verification – “bonjour.” It has already been proven that numerous so-called physicians have been exposed as frauds and were not doctors giving “factual” information on the pandemic.
For me I have two excellent sources for firm scientific substantiation on the topic. One is my brother-in-law educated and a physician of pulmonologist concerns at Vanderbilt University. The other reference is my personal pulmonologist who has treated my asthma for many years. Both these men have explained the necessity of wearing masks especially with a history of lung issues.
My own common sense rational for wearing a mask is from two perspectives, one Biblical and the other observational. Biblically in Romans 14:13 “Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way.” The entire 14th chapter is pertaining to personal convictions and being sensitive to one another’s beliefs. From an observational perspective, recall long before the virus in every surgical arena all ear masks. This was done to stop any chance of spreading an unknown sickness or contagion to the patient. Consider this, practically everyone has driven behind a car were the driver was smoking a cigarette. While in your car you smell his exhaled cigarette in your vehicle. Do you realize the smoke from the driver you just inhaled had previously been in the drivers lungs? Particulates potentially infectious have now been passed on to you. If a mask makes spreading the virus even minutely possible why on earth would you not utilize wearing one?
As I have told my congregation, dying is not my main fear regarding the virus. My main concern is suffocating to death drowning in my own lungs failure to get oxygen.
I don’t want the government having control over me or robbing Americans of their freedoms. I also don’t want some half-baked internet surfer trying to have psychological or pier pressure dictating to me either. It should be everyone’s personal decision. Some Lilly liveried power hungry liberal has no right dictating to individuals or churches or small businesses regarding this matter. It’s my decision!